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Lakes & Streams
Prairie Creek, Redwood NP | Sunset, Manzanita Lake | Hat Creek Area, Lassen NP | Fern Canyon #2 | Angel Terrace, Yellowstone NP |
Bison in Gibbon River Meadow | Bison in the Spring | Buck Lake, Yellowstone NP | Canary Springs, Yellowston NP | Cascade Creek at Lake Jenny |
Columbia River Gorge | Crater Lake,OR | Excelsior Geyser Crater | Geyser Detail and Runoff | Geyser Detail, Yellowstone NP |
Grotto Geyser, Yellowstone NP | Geyser Pastels, Yellowstone NP | Lake Tahoe Dawn | Lake Tahoe Morning | Lower Yellowstone Falls |
Mt Hood Panorama | Mt Hood Stream | Oconaluftee River, Great Smoky Mountain NP | Prismatic Springs, the Long View | Orchards at Base of Mt Hood |
Rainbow over the Madison River | Snake River Near Moran Junction | Spring Bison Along the Madison River | Storm Approaches Prismatic Springs | Storm Clouds Recede on Madison River |
Sunset on the Madison River | Trout Lake, Yellowstone NP | Tufas in Southern Mono Lake | Tufa Island in Mono Lake | Yellowstone Canyon in Spring |
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